Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Double Standards

I am really good at helping other with their problems. At least I think that I am and sure know I enjoy doing it.

Sometimes, I am really impressed by the questions that come out of my mouth. I love when I get down to the deep stuff with people.

You know what I don't like?

When someone else asks me those same questions.

woah. Woah. WOAH.

Who do I think I am?

How can I ask questions I am not willing to answer?

Double Standard. I really don't like those.

The other day I was struggling. If I could see the future, read minds or talk directly to God, I wouldn't have these problems. Also, if my faith was stronger... the same applies. But, that is another blog.

I was asked (by a really wise friend) "If this was your daughter going through the same struggle, what would you tell her?" 

This is such a good question. I have asked this question. I obviously did not make up this question. I also did not want to answer this question.

Would I want my daughter to feel this way? Allow herself to be in this position? Not want better for herself?

Of course not.

There have been so many times that I have witnessed parents doing one thing and then telling their children another.

Don't talk about someone behind their back. Always be nice. Then we turn around and start a sentence with "Did you hear...?"

Put God first. Love others as God loved us. But instead of us doing that, we pursue more money, nicer things, more status.

Be yourself. Love yourself for who you are. No, you don't have to change clothes. I love your quirky personality. But we censor ourselves. Hide our vulnerable parts and try to fit in.

We don't hold ourselves to the same standards that we hold our children to.

Don't we lead our children? Don't we set the example for them? Shouldn't we be their role models?

Are we filling these rolls when we aren't taking our own advice. Not answering the questions that are too hard?

Double Standard.

I am going to answer the hard questions from now on. For my children. For my family. For my friends and for myself. I am going to live a life I would be proud for my daughters to mimic.

I want to become really good at answering the hard questions. Not just asking them.